We're very excited about the latest version of Google Analytics which has a number of great new tools in it for online retailers. See Google's anaytics blog for a summary.
We've been exploring some of the new capabilities, and especially like the new realtime segmentation tools. In a nutshell, you can create segments (eg traffic from generic search terms) using a drag-and-drop style interface, test the selection (to see if it all stacks up) and then use the segment in any of the many reports straightaway (with all the history).
I've seen something similar in Nedstat, but this is Google Analytics. (Avinash has written up the feature and there's a helpful tutorial on Youtube...
So we made a chart that compared conversion rates from generic search (e.g. "clothes") and "know us" traffic (brand searches + direct traffic) and the whole thing took 2 minutes (just like Avinash said).