A New Era of Commerce in the Cloud. Magento Commerce Cloud Edition Provides All the Flexibility of an Open Source Platform, Without the Limitations of Multitenancy
Magento Commerce Cloud Edition is a Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) environment for Omnichannel merchants which runs on Amazon Web Services (AWS) Cloud and is built to power innovative eCommerce experiences with the rapid deployment of fully customisable, secure and scalable Web storefronts, combined with a leading hosting and managed services infrastructure.
In traditional Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) commerce solutions, merchants’ ability to rapidly innovate and iterate can be limited by the often rigid and closed nature of some multi-tenant eCommerce solutions.
Magento Enterprise Cloud Edition provides merchants the ability to offer highly differentiated customer experiences, simplified integration with existing systems and enhanced merchant ability.
These capabilities greatly reduce the deployment and management costs for merchants compared to multi-tenant SaaS commerce solutions. 
One-size-fits-all approach often forces retailers to tailor their business to their technology rather than tailoring their technology to what works best.


Enterprise Cloud Edition defines the post-SaaS commerce platform era.
“Magento Commerce Cloud Edition defines the post-SaaS commerce platform era. It’s a first-of-its-kind in-market solution and a major differentiator in the broader Magento product portfolio,” said Mark Lavelle, CEO of Magento Commerce.
“With this new platform running on AWS, we ensure that our merchants have the agility to respond to a rapidly changing environment, can continuously deploy innovations, easily scale to meet unexpected demand and don’t have to worry about the day-to-day management of infrastructure”.
As agility and deployment become strategic priorities for enterprises, market momentum behind PaaS will continue to accelerate.
PaaS will become the dominant technology platform for transforming an adaptive and responsive digital business.


Unlike SaaS, PaaS allows organisations to create cloud-based, cloud-native business applications that are unique. Architected for Innovation.
Adobe (Magento) Commerce Edition offers all the benefits of modern cloud computing that are most commonly associated with SaaS solutions:
Elastic scalability, high resilience and availability, PCI compliance, global availability and automated patching. Additionally, Magento Cloud Cloud Edition preserves what has made Magento the platform of choice for thousands of leading retailers, brands and manufacturers — the flexibility of Magento’s extensible architecture, enhanced by a global ecosystem of innovative partners and developers.
“Magento Commerce Cloud is a game-changer,” said Steve Yankovich, Chief Product Officer of Magento Commerce. “We combined a highly performant and scalable PaaS platform with everything our clients love about Magento — the ability to try, test and deploy new customisations to their stores in a continuous manner with no dependencies on our product roadmap or release schedule.”
At the core of Magento Commerce Cloud Edition lies an innovative PaaS that enables merchants and their system integration partners to adopt continuous delivery practices by providing best-in-class DevOps, release management and cloud management tools that make deploying, testing, promoting and operating multiple environments rapid, easy and manageable.
To deliver these benefits, Magento Commerce Cloud Edition runs on Amazon Web Services (AWS), tapping into the reliability, scalability and low cost that are AWS hallmarks.
More and more mid-market and enterprise companies are adopting AWS to tap into the power of the cloud. In fact, 30 percent of Magento Commerce clients already host on AWS.

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