

BBC Children in Need online shop sees substantial sales increase

BBC Children in Need appointed Screen Pages to design an online shopping site for the purpose of making it easier for people to donate to the charity and build on its record-breaking fundraising in 2014.

The project commenced in July 2014 and the completed website was launched in early October 2014 – in time for the Appeal’s programme of activities.


BBC Children in Need

The BBC Children in Need website sells both classic merchandise, such as Pudsey Bears and ears for fundraising events, alongside products such as backpacks and lunch boxes, as well as accessories and gifts. All the profits from anything purchased through the site will go straight to the charity.

The results from the 2014 appeal were impressive: sales were up substantially on the previous year.


BBC Children in  Need appeal night traffic
In terms of website activity, on the 13th and 14th November (including Appeal Night), the website accommodated over 85,000 visitors on both days and well over 20,000 orders were processed 
BBC Children in Need peak visitor count
At the peak on Appeal Night, over 5,000 visitors were on the website at one time

The online shop (at http://www.bbcchildreninneedshop.co.uk/) was developed with Magento Enterprise and is hosted at Peer1 with dual load-balanced front-end servers and back-end database server. It is synchronised with BBC Children in Need’s eBay store (using M2Epro’s eBay integration module) and its warehouse at Hallmark. Payment is via Paypal.

Overall, the appeal raised more than £32m. See the BBC website for the full story.

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